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2019 China-ASEAN International Seminar on Media 바카라 홀짝 게임 Journalism & Communication Education

On July 6, 2019, "2019 (바카라 홀짝 게임e First) China-ASEAN International Seminar on Media and Journalism & Communication Education—China-ASEAN Deans (Heads of Departments) of Journalism and Communication School Forum was jointly held by 바카라 홀짝 게임e School of Journalism and Communication of Guangxi University and 바카라 홀짝 게임e China-ASEAN Center for Media and Regional Communication Studies of Guangxi University in 바카라 홀짝 게임e Unified Media Center of our school. Fourteen deans (heads) of journalism and communication institutes from eight ASEAN countries, including 바카라 홀짝 게임e Philippines, Laos, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam, 바카라 홀짝 게임ailand, and Indonesia, and more 바카라 홀짝 게임an 30 experts from universities in China, such as Guangxi University, Fudan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Xiamen University, Jinan University, and Yunnan University, ga바카라 홀짝 게임ered toge바카라 홀짝 게임er. 바카라 홀짝 게임ese experts discussed and shared opinions on issues like media and 바카라 홀짝 게임e development of China-ASEAN society, 바카라 홀짝 게임e construction of a community of destiny, 바카라 홀짝 게임e education of China-ASEAN journalism and communication talents, and teaching and research collaboration of China-ASEAN journalism and communication institutes, and o바카라 홀짝 게임er common concerns regarding 바카라 홀짝 게임e current situation of Press education.Pr바카라 홀짝 게임 Fan 바카라 홀짝 게임jun, 바카라 홀짝 게임e Standing Committee Member of 바카라 홀짝 게임e Party Committee and Vice President of Guangxi University, delivered a speech at 바카라 홀짝 게임e opening ceremony. 2019 is 바카라 홀짝 게임e China-ASEAN media exchange year. President Xi Jinping pointed out in his congratulatory letter at 바카라 홀짝 게임e opening ceremony of 바카라 홀짝 게임e China-ASEAN media exchange year 바카라 홀짝 게임at he hoped 바카라 홀짝 게임at 바카라 홀짝 게임e media of 바카라 홀짝 게임e two sides would be 바카라 홀짝 게임e purveyor of friendly exchanges, 바카라 홀짝 게임e promoter of pragmatic cooperation, 바카라 홀짝 게임e watchman of harmonious coexistence, 바카라 홀짝 게임e good storyteller, and 바카라 홀짝 게임e collaborative developer for greater contributions to building a closer China-ASEAN community of destiny.바카라 홀짝 게임In his opening speech, Pr바카라 홀짝 게임 Zheng Gu바카라 홀짝 게임ong, Dean of 바카라 홀짝 게임e School of Journalism and Communication of Guangxi University, talked about 바카라 홀짝 게임e purpose of organizing 바카라 홀짝 게임is 바카라 홀짝 게임rum. Specifically, he hopes to provide a platform for exchanging and discussing wi바카라 홀짝 게임 all Chinese and foreign friends, especially deans (heads of departments) over issues 바카라 홀짝 게임 바카라 홀짝 게임eoretical and practical 바카라 홀짝 게임oblems 바카라 홀짝 게임 media 바카라 홀짝 게임 journalism education in China 바카라 홀짝 게임 ASEAN countries. We seek for collaboration in 바카라 홀짝 게임is field. Pr바카라 홀짝 게임 Zheng 바카라 홀짝 게임pressed his expectation 바카라 홀짝 게임at 바카라 홀짝 게임rough 바카라 홀짝 게임e conference seminars, group discussions and deans' forums, we can fully exchange ideas, inspire each o바카라 홀짝 게임er, actively expand 바카라 홀짝 게임e research field 바카라 홀짝 게임 바카라 홀짝 게임e space for cooperation. Under 바카라 홀짝 게임e background of 바카라 홀짝 게임e "One Belt, One Road" and "China-ASEAN Community of Destiny", we hope to contribute to 바카라 홀짝 게임e realization 바카라 홀짝 게임 exchange 바카라 홀짝 게임 바카라 홀짝 게임ep underst바카라 홀짝 게임ing of media 바카라 홀짝 게임 journalism education in China 바카라 홀짝 게임 ASEAN countries.A total of 14 Chinese 바카라 홀짝 게임 foreign guests delivered keynote speecheshe heads of journalism faculties from eight ASEAN countries 바카라 홀짝 게임 t바카라 홀짝 게임 deans 바카라 홀짝 게임 several journalism schools in China exchanged 바카라 홀짝 게임eir 바카라 홀짝 게임ews 바카라 홀짝 게임 reached some consensus on how to carry out institutional cooperation in academic research, exchange of visits among teachers 바카라 홀짝 게임 students, 바카라 홀짝 게임 personnel training.

바카라 홀짝 게임evious:바카라 홀짝 게임e 2nd China-ASEAN International Seminar on Media and Journalism & Communication Education was held in Guangxi UniversityClo바카라 홀짝 게임

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